Wish to make a complaint?
We’re sorry you’re not happy. Please get in touch with us and we’ll sort it out for you.
If you pay by cash/cheque or Direct Debit, you can call us on 07360187368. You may find it easier and quicker to tell us about your energy complaint online – just go to How to make a complaint. You can also write to us at The National Energy Gurus, Complaints Management Team, Suite G04 1 Quality Court, Chancery Lane, London, England, WC2A 1HR
• We’ll need to respond to your complaint, so please make sure you provide details of how you can be contacted
• Please tell us about any problems and what we can do to put things right • We’ll investigate fully and let you know what will happen next
• Please be aware that some account issues can take time to fix – so until we’ve sorted your problem, we recommend you keep making regular payments to cover your energy usage
What will happen? Step one – contact us to let us know what’s happened and what you want us to do to put it right. Step two – we’ll acknowledge your complaint and work with you to resolve it as quickly as we can. Step three – we’ll let you know what’s been done and will ask your permission to close the complaint.
We’ll try to sort things out for you as soon as we get your complaint. If we can’t, we’ll send you an email or letter within five days to let you know we’re looking into your issue.
We’ll try and do this as quickly as possible. If your case is complex or involves a number of issues, we may need some time to get to the bottom of things. But we’ll be sure to keep you up to date, by phone or in writing.
After eight weeks, we’ll send you our decision about your complaint or explain why we’ve yet to reach one.We aim to resolve most complaints within eight weeks.
We hope our final decision helps to resolve things for you. But if you’re not happy with it or if it’s taken over eight weeks to sort things out, you can refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman. It’s a free and independent service, which can help settle disputes between customers and companies that offer financial services, like us.
If you’re still unhappy with the outcome of your complaint or it’s taken us longer than eight weeks to resolve, you have the right to take matters further. You can do this by contacting the Energy Ombudsman.
The Ombudsman
To contact the Ombudsman: • Call: 0330 440 1624 Textphone: 0330 440 1600 • Email: enquiry@energyombudsman.org • Go online: ombudsman-services.org/energy • Write to them: Ombudsman Services: Energy, PO Box 966, Warrington WA4 9DF
On their website, you can also find a factsheet, which gives you full details about their services and how they can help you. The Ombudsman is there to resolve disputes between energy suppliers and their customers. It’s a free service and they’re totally independent. That means they don’t take sides and their decisions are based only on the information they receive. You don’t have to accept their decision, but if you do, we’ll act on what they say. That might mean saying sorry, explaining what’s gone wrong, fixing the problem or even paying you compensation.